A unique territory and terrain
We are in Umbria, in the municipality of Allerona (1), “vocabolo” of Sant’Ansano. Almost all of this territory is included in the uncontaminated natural park of Monte Rufeno and Selva di Meana (2). We are surrounded by history: in our farm there is the archaeological area who gave the name to the surrounding area, dating back to 200 AD. (3) Our fields have an ancient marine history. During the Pleistocene , 1.75 million years ago, the sea washed these lands: the numerous shells fossils and the stones, pierced and rounded by the movement of the ancestral water, witness this peculiar history (4). This soil gives to our cultivation of grapes, olives and cereals the marine mineral salts and fossil compounds that make them rich and unique. Nourished by these ancient and natural elements, the products of the soil derive wonderful biochemical and aromatic characteristics.
1 – Sapere.it, Wikipedia, Comune di Allerona| 2 – FAI – Parco della Selva di Meana| 3 – Umbria: Allerona| 4 – Museo dei cicli geologici di Allerona