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Extra Virgin Olive (EVO) Oil “Volpe di Santosano” DOP Umbria Colli Orvietani

250 ml bottle

500 ml bottle

750 ml bottle
EVO DOP disciplinare Umbria colli orvietani
Moraiolo 46%
Frantoio 23%
Leccino 15%
Altre varietà 16%
Sands, silts, clays mixed with marine pebbles and fossil shells; highly permeable soil in constant slope, grassed, average Ph 7.2 (slightly acidic), containing many minerals of marine origin.
All the olives come from olive groves located in Allerona in Vocabolo Sant’Ansano (Santosano).
Green. Yellow-green in particular years with low rainfall.
It has a delicate scent of olives, freshly cut grass and unripe tomatoes.
Medium fruity, with a bitterness that recalls artichoke or cardoon depending on the year, the spiciness is decisive and persistent, typical of oils with a high nutraceutical value.
This oil enhances all the simple dishes of Mediterranean cuisine: it becomes the protagonist on delicate fish, white meats, boiled vegetables and tartare. Definitely expresses its flavor and aroma on red meats, fish and grilled vegetables where the heat stimulates the release of all its fragrances.
Extra Virgin Olive (EVO) Oil “Volpe della Pinzata”

3L bag in box

5L bag in box
bag in box
Why a Bag in Box? This container protects the oil from light, sudden changes in heat but in particular from oxigen,keeping intact all the organoleptic qualities.
Moraiolo, Frantoio, Leccino, Leccio del corno, dolce Agogia.
This EVO Oil derives from olives from old and new plants, cultivated according to Umbrian traditions, pruned annually. The land is covered with grass and an ancient sea with round stones and fossil shells.
It comes from our olive groves in Allerona, Vocabolo Sant’Ansano and the locality “Contea”.
Light green, clear colour.
Perfume of olive and fresh grass with light nuances of aromatic herbs
Medium fruity, with a bitterness that recalls artichoke or cardoon depending on the year, the spiciness is decisive and persistent, typical of oils with a high nutraceutical value.
This oil enhances all the simple dishes of Mediterranean cuisine: it becomes the protagonist on delicate fish, white meats, boiled vegetables and tartare. Definitely expresses its flavor and aroma on red meats, fish and grilled vegetables where the heat stimulates the release of all its fragrances.
Organic monococcus (Triticum Monococcum) hulled spelled and pasta

Monococcus hulled spelled 500 g

Organic spelled Pasta 500 g

Organic spelled Pasta 500 g
Organic spelled Pasta
Extensive in vitro gastrointestinal digestion markealy reduces the immunetosicity of triticum monococcum.
Wheat: implication for celiac disease. Molecular nutrition food researce 2015 may 28 – Gianfranco Mamone Isa CNR Avellino e ibp – CNR Napoli.
Monococcus spelled in Mediterranean cuisine: each area of Italy has its own way of cooking wheat; from regional soups to cold summer dishes with vegetables and mixed salads. Our pastas: “fusilli” and “gnocchetti” are the perfect completion of the Mediterranean diet combined with all regional condiments. These pastes are also suitable for weaning.
It is the oldest cereal cultivated by mankind, its origins date back to the Axial Age, 9500 years ago. We grow it because we focus on unique, quality products with a high nutritional value. The CNR (Italian National Research Council) has shown that this spelled contains a more digestible gluten, also suitable for subjects sensitive to this substance. It is a food suitable for preventing celiac disease, simple and with a high nutritional value.